Iata-ne mici indieni!
De ce?
Ne-a placut mult piesa "Carmen Sandiego" din proiectul nostru si am vrut sa completam ceea ce am vazut in piesa cu o activitate practica in care noi sa fim mici indieni.
Stim ca ei iubesc natura , isi pastreaza cu sfintenie traditiile si locurile natale , iubesc animalele.
Ne-a placut mult ceea ce am aflat despre ei si am realizat lucrari frumoase la aceasta activitate.
Dorim sa mai facem asemenea activitati.
Here we are little Indians!
We liked the Carmen Sandiego play very much from our project and we wanted to complete what we have seen in the play with a practical activity in which we could be little Indians.
We know that they love nature and they keep their traditions and their home lands , they also love animals.
We liked very much what we heard about them and we accomplished beautiful things with this activity.
We want to do some more activities like this one.
De ce?
Ne-a placut mult piesa "Carmen Sandiego" din proiectul nostru si am vrut sa completam ceea ce am vazut in piesa cu o activitate practica in care noi sa fim mici indieni.
Stim ca ei iubesc natura , isi pastreaza cu sfintenie traditiile si locurile natale , iubesc animalele.
Ne-a placut mult ceea ce am aflat despre ei si am realizat lucrari frumoase la aceasta activitate.
Dorim sa mai facem asemenea activitati.
Here we are little Indians!
We liked the Carmen Sandiego play very much from our project and we wanted to complete what we have seen in the play with a practical activity in which we could be little Indians.
We know that they love nature and they keep their traditions and their home lands , they also love animals.
We liked very much what we heard about them and we accomplished beautiful things with this activity.
We want to do some more activities like this one.

Multe felicitari,"mici indieni"!Sunteti mununati!Continuati mai departe cu astfel de activitati!
RăspundețiȘtergerefoarte frumos ne-am costumat acum. dar in clasa a treia o sa venim cu noi activitati ne bucuram ca ne urmariti! cu drag Nadia
RăspundețiȘtergerefoarte frumos mici indieni felicitari tuturor si sa continuati cu drag ana
RăspundețiȘtergerefoarte frumos mici indieni si continuati tot asa
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