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Targul de iarna / Winter Market
De Craciun am pregatit o expozitie cu obiecte din materiale refolosibile , lucrate de elevi. Expozitia a fost un succes. Toti elevii din scoala au vizitat expozitia. Avem imagini cu obiectele expuse la "Targul de iarna".We made our exibition with objects made out of recicling materials.These objects were made by our students who worked very hard. It was a succes. All the students from our school visited the exibition .We have pictures with the objects from our exibition called "Winter Market".
Hello Comenian friends!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a lot of work you have done!!! So many nice Christmas presents!
Did you see our works?
Visit our blog!
Do you have snow in Rumania?
Since yesterday we have a lot!
Many greetings from your German friends!
RăspundețiȘtergereHow are you?
Did you sell a lot on your winter market?
What do you do with the money?
Servus Ursula und Betina from Germany
sunt super frumoase pozele de la a III-a A
Cei de la clasa aIII-a A au avut poze foarte frumoase si lucrari frumoase...