De Craciun am pregatit o expozitie cu obiecte din materiale refolosibile , lucrate de elevi. Expozitia a fost un succes. Toti elevii din scoala au vizitat expozitia. Avem imagini cu obiectele expuse la "Targul de iarna".
We made our exibition with objects made out of recicling materials.These objects were made by our students who worked very hard. It was a succes. All the students from our school visited the exibition .We have pictures with the objects from our exibition called "Winter Market".
joi, 18 decembrie 2008
vineri, 17 octombrie 2008
Salut !
Sunt Ecologel si reprezint elevii Solii Generale Nr. 1 Rovinari – Gorj , Romania.
Sunt alaturi de ei in actiunile lor de protejare a mediului .
Nu-mi place cand aerul este poluat deoarece ma sufoc !
Sunt Ecologel si reprezint elevii Solii Generale Nr. 1 Rovinari – Gorj , Romania.
Sunt alaturi de ei in actiunile lor de protejare a mediului .
Nu-mi place cand aerul este poluat deoarece ma sufoc !
Si voi la fel !
Nu-mi place cand apa este poluata si Flopi , prietenul meu , pestisorul , este in pericol cu fratii lui !
Nu-mi place cand apa este poluata si Flopi , prietenul meu , pestisorul , este in pericol cu fratii lui !
Voi ramaneti fara apa !
Nu-mi place sa distrugeti mediul !
Aveti grija de el !
Nu-mi place sa distrugeti mediul !
Aveti grija de el !
Retineti !
“ Omul nu poate trai fara natura , pe cand natura fara om , poate trai .”
“ Omul nu poate trai fara natura , pe cand natura fara om , poate trai .”
I am Ecologel and I represent the pupils from the School Number 1 Rovinari from Romania.
I am beside them in their actions of protecting the environment .
I don’t like it when the air is polluted because
I am Ecologel and I represent the pupils from the School Number 1 Rovinari from Romania.
I am beside them in their actions of protecting the environment .
I don’t like it when the air is polluted because
I chock!
I don’t like it when the water is polluted and Flopi , my fish friend is in danger with all his brothers!
I don’t like it when the water is polluted and Flopi , my fish friend is in danger with all his brothers!
You are out of water!
I don’t want you to destroy the environment
Take care of it!
" The man can’t live without the nature and the nature can’t live without the man ."
Take care of it!
" The man can’t live without the nature and the nature can’t live without the man ."
Scoala Generala Nr. 1 Rovinari – Gorj , Romania este partener in Proiectul multilateral Comenius – OUR PLANET , OUR PROBLEM,OUR SOLUTION , alaturi de Skipper Clement Skolen ( Internationale afdeling ) Aalborg – Danemarca , Volkschule Oberbergkirchen – Germania si Colegio de Educacion Infantil Y Primaria Riomar , Castro Urdiales – Spania.
Avem o scoala mare cu 900 de elevi de cls.I–VIII,iar orasul nostru este mic,minier.
La inceputul proiectului am pornit la drum cativa,dar pe parcurs ni s-au alaturat mai multe cadre didactice si mai multi elevi de la cls. I–VI.
Scopul nostru este acela de a cunoaste si lua atitudine fata de problemele de mediu cu care ne confruntam.
Elevii nostri au invatat in acesti ani cat de mult conteaza sanatatea si protejarea mediului.
Toti stim ca :
Logo-ul proiectului pentru scoala noastra este ECOLOGEL . Toti copiii il indragesc si lupta pentru viata lui .
School Number 1 Rovinari–Gorj,Romania is a partner in the Multilateral Project Comenius-OUR PLANET,OUR PROBLEM,OUR SOLUTION,with Skipper Clement Skolen,Oberberghirchen–Germania and Colegio de Education Infantil Y Primaria Riomar Castro Urdiales–Spania.
We have a big school, with 900 students from 1st class to 8 th class,and our town is a small,mining one.
At the beginning of our project we were a few people from school involved, but during its development more and more teachers and students liked our idea and joined us.
Our purpose is that of knowing and take an attitude against the where environmental problems that we are dealing with.
Our students learnt in there years how important is to protect the environment.
They all know that :
Nature = Life , Beauty , Wealth , Happy Childhood , Happy people
The mascot of our project is Ecologel. All children love him and fight for his life.
Avem o scoala mare cu 900 de elevi de cls.I–VIII,iar orasul nostru este mic,minier.
La inceputul proiectului am pornit la drum cativa,dar pe parcurs ni s-au alaturat mai multe cadre didactice si mai multi elevi de la cls. I–VI.
Scopul nostru este acela de a cunoaste si lua atitudine fata de problemele de mediu cu care ne confruntam.
Elevii nostri au invatat in acesti ani cat de mult conteaza sanatatea si protejarea mediului.
Toti stim ca :
Logo-ul proiectului pentru scoala noastra este ECOLOGEL . Toti copiii il indragesc si lupta pentru viata lui .
School Number 1 Rovinari–Gorj,Romania is a partner in the Multilateral Project Comenius-OUR PLANET,OUR PROBLEM,OUR SOLUTION,with Skipper Clement Skolen,Oberberghirchen–Germania and Colegio de Education Infantil Y Primaria Riomar Castro Urdiales–Spania.
We have a big school, with 900 students from 1st class to 8 th class,and our town is a small,mining one.
At the beginning of our project we were a few people from school involved, but during its development more and more teachers and students liked our idea and joined us.
Our purpose is that of knowing and take an attitude against the where environmental problems that we are dealing with.
Our students learnt in there years how important is to protect the environment.
They all know that :
Nature = Life , Beauty , Wealth , Happy Childhood , Happy people
The mascot of our project is Ecologel. All children love him and fight for his life.
marți, 14 octombrie 2008
duminică, 12 octombrie 2008
vineri, 10 octombrie 2008
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