Sunt Ecologel si reprezint elevii Solii Generale Nr. 1 Rovinari – Gorj , Romania.
Sunt alaturi de ei in actiunile lor de protejare a mediului .
Nu-mi place cand aerul este poluat deoarece ma sufoc !
Si voi la fel !
Nu-mi place cand apa este poluata si Flopi , prietenul meu , pestisorul , este in pericol cu fratii lui !
Nu-mi place cand apa este poluata si Flopi , prietenul meu , pestisorul , este in pericol cu fratii lui !
Voi ramaneti fara apa !
Nu-mi place sa distrugeti mediul !
Aveti grija de el !
Nu-mi place sa distrugeti mediul !
Aveti grija de el !
Retineti !
“ Omul nu poate trai fara natura , pe cand natura fara om , poate trai .”
“ Omul nu poate trai fara natura , pe cand natura fara om , poate trai .”
I am Ecologel and I represent the pupils from the School Number 1 Rovinari from Romania.
I am beside them in their actions of protecting the environment .
I don’t like it when the air is polluted because
I am Ecologel and I represent the pupils from the School Number 1 Rovinari from Romania.
I am beside them in their actions of protecting the environment .
I don’t like it when the air is polluted because
I chock!
I don’t like it when the water is polluted and Flopi , my fish friend is in danger with all his brothers!
I don’t like it when the water is polluted and Flopi , my fish friend is in danger with all his brothers!
You are out of water!
I don’t want you to destroy the environment
Take care of it!
" The man can’t live without the nature and the nature can’t live without the man ."
Take care of it!
" The man can’t live without the nature and the nature can’t live without the man ."